Geocorrection & Mapping Options ******************************* Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Settings -------------------------------------- **Expected value**: Select one of the three options; if 'Custom DEM' selected, also provide path to DEM file. The DEM settings will affect how your geolocated data is mapped, and ultimately the accuracy of the results. The simpliest (and default) option is to use and ellipsoid model, it does not require any further configuration but it is the least accurate option. If your survey area falls between latitudes 56 degrees South up to 60 degrees North, you can use the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM - see the NASA JPL website for more information - This is available at 30 metre resolution and the area required will be downloaded from Geona servers during processing so requires an active internet connection for processing to work successfully. For the most accurate results we recommend you provide a custom DEM for your survey site. Geona expects a single-band ENVI BIL or BSQ file. The coordinate reference system should use WGS-84 geographic coordinates with elevations in metres above the WGS-84 ellipsoid. This is equivalent to the EPSG code: "4326" or PROJ.4 string: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs". Geona requires the DEM to fully cover the flightline when processing. In reality, as Geona doesn't know the full flightline coverage prior to geocorrection, the DEM has to cover an area larger than the flightline, to account for a window of uncertainty. The DEM must also not contain any gaps. To use a custom DEM it must first be in the coordinate system and file format as stated above. This can be acheived using freely available open source tools such as GDAL, GRASS and QGIS, or other GIS systems such as ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap. A simple command line utility such as `gdalwarp` will be able to do this. Output Projection ----------------- The default project is **UTM WGS84** where the UTM zone will automatically be detected from the navigation data. We use the lower left corner of the extent of the navigation data, .i.e., the minimum latitude and longitude, to establish which UTM zone to use. If your survey area covers more than UTM zone, it's possible that this is not the best approach, so you can override this with a user-specified UTM zone to use. **Ordnance Survey National Grid (OSBG)** is really only applicable to survey sites in the British Isles. **Custom Projection** allows you to define any valid projection in PROJ format. Please see for a comprehensive list of possible global projections or instructions on how to define a custom, more localised projection. .. warning:: If you provide a custom projection string, it is not validated prior to mapping and so any errors in the custom projection string may cause the mapping stage to fail. Bands ----- By default, the resulting data cube will contain all bands which are present in the raw input data, however, you can choose to only map a subest of bands. Mapping fewer bands will be quicker as it is less compute intensive so is a nice way to generate results for a quick check of the settings used, for example to check geolocation accuracy or :ref:`scan line time offset values