File Locations#

Sensor Lookup File#

Expected value: a single file (optional)

The lookup table file suplied with your Specim sensor; this is a CSV text file with a file extension of .lut. If you have this file, select it from your local filesystem to automatically populate some fields in the processing control panel form. Any fields which are set using values from this file will be highlighted with a green tick and a green outline. Any value which is set using the lookup table value can still be changed before processing, in which case the green tick/outline will be removed.

Input File Location#

This defines where Geona Hyperspectral looks for input files. Choose between:

  • Local Filesystem to use files mounted in the container in /opt/geona/data. If you use local files, symlinks are used to link raw input files to the workspace.

  • AWS S3 Bucket to browse files stored with Amazon Web Services. You will be prompted for security credentials and files will be downloaded to the workspace folder

  • Google Cloud Storage to browse files stored with Google Cloud. You will be prompted for security credentials and files will be downloaded to the workspace folder

For AWS and Google Cloud, data egress charges may appy depending on where Geona Hyperspectral is running in relation to the location of the cloud storage. Please check the data egress policy for your provider before proceeding as we are not liable for any data egress charges applied to your account as a result of using this software.

Raw Sensor Data File#

Expected value: a single file from the available list (required)

The raw sensor data is provided as an ENVI BIL format. This is a flat binary file with an accompanying header file (.hdr) that is a plain text file that describes the shape and type of the binary file and also contains other metadata relating to the binary data (for details see The data used in Geona are either BIL (band interleaved by line) or BSQ (band sequential) and can easily be imported into GIS systems, Matlab, Python or any tool that uses the GDAL library.

The header files contain the information to be able to decode the binary data but, importantly, Geona also writes metadata in to these that are used in the processing of the data or important for post-processing tasks. Information on non-Geona specific header items can be found at

Calibration File#

Expected value: a single file from the available list (required)

The first step in processing the data is to convert from the raw digital numbers (DN) into a real-word meaningful value. To do this, the software requires a calibration gains file specific to the sensor detector, and applies these gains together with other sensor specific methods resulting in a radiometrically calibrated data file (sometimes referred to as a level1 file). In addition to this file, Geona will also generate a mask file. This file is an 8-bit binary flag file describing the status for each image pixel.

Field of View File#

Expected value: a single file from the available list (required)

The Field of View (FOV) or view vector file is an instrument specific file containing the view angle for each pixel in the sensor’s array. The file can be provided as either an ASCII text file or Geona .bil format; if the file is provided as a text file it will be converted to Geona .bil format before processing and the resulting converted file will be available in the workspace folder. If you have many flight lines to process it is worth considering taking a copy of the converted FoV file in .bil format and using this for all future processing, as this provides a more efficient use of compute time than converting the text file on each processing run.

Output folder location#

Expected value: a single directory path from available list (required)

This is the location where results will be saved. It must use the same location settings as your input files, e.g. if you select local files for inputs, outputs must go into a local folder; likewise, if you select Google Cloud for your input files, outputs must also go to Google Cloud.

You must select a folder which already exists and it writeable using the credentials provided (where applicable). The outputs you specify in the Results Handling option will be transferred to the output folder location inside a parent folder where the name is the Job ID