Processing Options#

Define Job ID#

Expected value: (optional) an alpha-numeric string

The job ID is used to manage a processing task. It is an optional field, however, if you choose not to define a job ID yourself one will be automatically generated for you. If you do provide a value, it must only contain letters and/or numbers.

The Job ID will be used to name the workspace folder where intermediate processing steps are stored, and it will be used for the folder name where the processing outputs are finally stored.

Results Handling#

During the processing task, Geona Hyperspectral will produce a series of files required to arrive at the final outputs; this option allows you to define which of these files you would like to be transferred to the final output location. If you are not sure, we advise that you retain all files initially, at least until you have performed several processing runs and are more familiar with the outputs generated and which ones you are interested in.

For each processing task, all input, intermediate, and output files are retained in the workspace directory.

The following table describes the all the intermediate and final output files, and which are retained for each of the options. In this context, * is replaced with the filename of the raw input file minus the file extension, and <job_id> is replaced with the job ID

Output files#

Filename / Description

Final mapped files

3-band mapped intermediate

Unmapped calibrated & intermediate

All files

config_<job_id>.ini - configuration file used to process the data; any cloud credentials are redacted

job_id_<job_id>.log - complete log file output specific to the processing task

status_<job_id>.json - status file of the job in JSON format; this contains details of the steps performed and time each step started. This file is posted to the webhook URL (if specified) once the task has completed.

*_grid_x.bil + .hdr - data grid from the mapping process on the X axis; this is required for boresight calibration



*_grid_y + .hdr - data grid from the mapping process on the Y axis; this is required for boresight calibration



*_latlon.igm + .hdr - output from the geocorrection process; latitude and longitude location for each pixel



*_level1.bil + .hdr - level 1b file that results from the calibration operation




*_level1.bil_mask-badpixelmethod.bil + .hdr - output from the masking process; provides Mask method




*_level1.bil_mask.bil + .hdr - output file from the masking process; provides Mask information




*_mapped.bil + .hdr - mapped product with calibrated geolocated radiance

*_masked.bil + .hdr - output from the masking process; this file is the level1b data with mask applied



*_nav_post_processed.bil + .hdr - post-processed navigation data in Geona format transformed from whichever navigation system is used




*_ql.png - PNG image using 3 bands nearest in the available spectrum to RGB to provide a ‘quicklook’ of the outputs

*_ql.png.aux.xml - georeferenced meta data to accompany the quicklook PNG image

*_reprojected.igm + .hdr


Processing Completion - Webhook URL#

Expected value: any valid URL starting http or https

This setting is provided as a method to integrate Geona Hyperspectral processing into external workflows to allow for onward steps to commence without the need for manual intervention. Once a processing task has completed, the status log file for the job is posted as a JSON object to the webhook URL provided. The webhook call is made regardless of whether the job completed successfully or failed. The status code from the webhook call is recorded in the job’s log file, but no further details of the response is stored.